Ishavskatedralen - Tromsøysund menighet

Consert with the Ensemble Eon

DATO: 12. January 2024 kl. 19:00–20:15
STED: The Arctic Cathedral

Ensemble Eon is a trio from Bergen consisting of Mara Haugen (violin), Morten Norheim (saxophones) and Martha Berit Belt (piano)

Ensemble Eon presents “MELLOM” (“Between”) – a unique concert program that draws the audience into a new sonorous world. The music is written by living composers who have a strong connection to Norway, and explores what occurs in and between very varied musical expressions. Newly written compositions from Francisco Corthey and Emiliano Ortiz, both former students at the Grieg Academy, give an insight into an exploratory soundscape with strong connections to Argentina and Mexico respectively. The audience will also experience works by Sverre Indris Joner and Marius Neset, where the music ranges widely with energetic rhythms, dancing interactions and lyrical melodies, which occasionally explore a more modern and experimental expression. The main work is Ståle Kleiberg’s second piano trio, where the introduction of saxophone gives the classic trio new and exciting colours.

Tickets: 250 (adults)/150 (seniors and students)/150 (children) for sale  here