DATO: 9. December 2023 kl. 20:00–21:00
STED: The Arctic Cathedral
The local mixed choir “Aurora Borealis” invites you to its annual Christmas concert.
This year’s soloist is Kim Wigaard, one of Norway’s top vocalists and known from, among others, TV shows and The European Song Contest. Conductor is Sondre Kleven, who also participates on saxophone. As usual, Eirik Fjelde plays the piano, Henrik Skog guitar and Morten Steene bass. This year you will hear, among other things, a choir version of Truls Svendsen and Charlotte Smith’s Christmas carol “Når julefreden senker seg”, in addition to the choir’s own Christmas carol “Seint i December”. Of course, Kim and the choir will also sing “O Holy Night”. Welcome!
Tickets NOK 375 for sale at the entrance or here: