Ishavskatedralen - Tromsøysund menighet

Organ recital

DATO: hver Tuesday fra 20. June 2023 til 25. July 2023 kl. 14:00–14:30
STED: The Arctic Cathedral
KATEGORIER: Concert, Tourists

In week 25-30 there will be daily organ concerts Tuesday – Sunday at 14:00-14:30 h by the cathedral organist Linde Mothes. The concert is included in the entrance ticket of NOK 70. No additional booking needed.  Welcome!

Program Tuesdays:

Troldtog Edvard Grieg
arr: Klaus Uwe Ludwig
Concerto a-moll Johann Sebastian Bach
(Allegro) – Adagio – Allegro
Kirken den er et gammelt hus Reidar Sløgedal
4 koralfantasier
Humoreske Pietro Allessandro Yon
from L’organo primitivo
Toccata Eugène Gigout