Ishavskatedralen - Tromsøysund menighet

Jeanne d Arc performed by Juni Dahr

DATO: 30. October 2021 kl. 20:00–21:00
STED: The Arctic Cathedral

Jeanne d’Arc (1412–1431) was the girl who at the age of 17 led the French army in the battle against the English in Orléans during the Hundred Years ’War. Despite her great courage and efforts, which for a time made the French army invincible, she was constantly distrusted, both by her own countrymen and the English – and most of all by the church. She was captured, abused and burned at the stake as heretics. The play is based on the court documents and Jeanne’s own words. It was not until 1920 that the Catholic Church repented and made Jeanne d’Arc a saint.

The performance lasts for 1 hour without a break.

“Jeanne d’Arc – Vision through Fire” created by: Juni Dahr and John Morrow
Performance: Juni Dahr
Music created and performed by: Chris Poole

The text was rewritten by Halldis Moren Vesaas and filmed by NRK Drama in 1990.

Juni Dahr is one of Norway’s foremost female actors. She has studied in Norway as well as abroad, and this performance has toured large parts of the world, such as the United States, Russia, Europe and Scandinavia. Finally, the show is in Tromsø!

Ticket price NOK 200.

Tickets for sale here: