Ishavskatedralen - Tromsøysund menighet

Christmas Concert with Jardar Johansen

DATO: 22. December 2021 kl. 18:00–19:30
STED: The Arctic Cathedral

Jardar had his very first Christmas concert 20 years ago. The reason was that  he enjoyed Christmas, the diverse songs of Christmas and the magical atmosphere created by this wonderful holiday. Maybe that’s why the concerts gradually became very popular. The Christmas concert in the Arctic Cathedral is a special experience , and when Jardar and his daughters Rebecca and Sunniva are on stage with his A-team of musicians, the cathedral is filled with a wonderful Christmas atmosphere.
Therefore, he  welcomes you to 20 years of CHRISTMAS PEACE, which will be a humorous and eventful concert with great musical highlights.

There are still limited places due to the Coronary restrictions, so it is a good idea to book tickets early.

Tickets:  Children NOK 250 / adults NOK 480 for sale here: