Ishavskatedralen - Tromsøysund menighet

Midnight Sun Concert

DATO: den 8. July. hvert år fra 8. July 2020 til 11. July 2020 kl. 23:00–23:30
STED: The Arctic Cathedral
KATEGORIER: Concert, Tourists

The light, tender summer nights are perfect for evocative music. The majestic architecture of The Arctic Cathedral makes for a memorable moment with a suitable and varied concert program with a combination of solo vocals, piano, trumpet and cello music as well as choral and organ music.

Norwegian folk tunes and pieces of classical music are performed by various talented musicians.

The doors open at 10.30 pm/22:30h.


Tickets NOK 200 (children NOK 50) for sale at the entrance (cash or credit card), or book here.

You can find more information of the musicians here.

Concerts every week in July from Wednesday to Saturday.
