Ishavskatedralen - Tromsøysund menighet

Northern Lights Concert

DATO: den 6. February. hvert år fra 6. February 2020 til 9. February 2020 kl. 23:00–23:30
STED: The Arctic cathedral

As the candle lights flicker, this elegant church is filled with the sounds of the most beautiful Norwegian folk songs, as well as some wonderfully powerful classical and sacred selections.

This incredible musical experience is enhanced by the Arctic Cathedral’s fantastic acoustics. All in all, it’s a moving and perfect way to end the day. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Performing musicians this week:
Harald Bakkeby Moe, baritone
Hanne-Sofie Akselsen Frantzen,  flutes and sami joik
Tore Nedgård, piano and organ.

The doors open at 22:30 h.

Tickets NOK 200 (children NOK 50) for sale at the entrance (cash or credit card) or at Visit Tromsø: