Ishavskatedralen - Tromsøysund menighet

Film concert “Ingeborg Holm”

DATO: 17. January 2019 kl. 20:00–21:15
STED: The Arctic cathedral

One of the true early classics of European cinema is presented with a live soundtrack in Tromsø’s Arctic Cathedral. The film’s eponymous main character Ingeborg Holm falls into poverty when her husband dies. When her children are taken away from her, she loses her sanity and is hospitalized and locked up in an asylum.

More info here:

The musicians:

MATTI BYE (b. 1966) is a Swedish film composer and one of the most renowned silent film musicians and composers in Europe. He is known for his extraordinary way of making music which is stellar as stand-alone pieces of art, and at the same time fits perfectly to the films for which it has been composed.

LAU NAU, or Laura Naukkarinen (b.1980) is a composer, producer and musician from Finland. Besides of composing and producing her own albums, Lau Nau accompanies silent films live, and composes music for feature films, theatre plays, dance and sound installations.

Tickets: 250. Tickets can be purchased at the entrance or at