Ishavskatedralen - Tromsøysund menighet

Consert with Viola Raheb and Marwan Abado: “Cultivating hope”

DATO: 26. October 2018 kl. 19:30–20:30
STED: The Arctic cathedral

„Cultivating hope…“

A musical-lyrical performance with Viola Raheb and Marwan Abado

Far away from media clichés and stigmas, Viola Raheb and Marwan Abado draw a human Image of Palestine and take a poetic, musical, thoughtful, and moving journey to a topic for which there seems to be no solution. The perception of Palestine is mainly characterized by violence and spectacular events. For years, the media has provided images, which stigmatize the Palestinians either as perpetrators, victims or heroes. Through this one-sided Perception, it seems as if suffering is the only thing Palestine have to offer.

With their performance, the couple wants to present a different perspective on Palestine than the usual. In their performance, poetry, lyrics, and texts are intertwined with soft oriental sounds, thus inviting the audience to spiritual, sensual journey to Palestine. A journey that sheds light on the desire for Freedom, creative energy and commitment for reconstruction and new beginnings, on the dreams, visions and struggle for a life in dignity. Lyrics, poems and texts tell a story of all those who cultivate hope for another tomorrow.

Price: NOK 100. Tickets can be purchased at the entrance. Cash only!