DATO: 16. October 2015 kl. 19:00–20:30
STED: The Arctic cathedral
As a part of The opera festival “OPERA FOR EVERYBODY” 14th-17th of October 2015, the Opera society performs the opera “Opera in the church” as a tribute to the 50 year anniversary of the Arctic cathedral.
The performance is with soloists, choir, orchestra, dancers and scenic
Direction: Trond Halstein Moe.
Conductor : Geir Davidsen
With the opera soloists: Ann‐Helen Moen (soprano), Thomas Ruud (tenor), Trond Halstein Moe (barytone),
Tromsø city orchestra, The chamber and opera choir Ultima Thule and the choir “Det norske mannskor” 1995.
Young dancers from The culture school
Tickets: NOK 300/250 Billetter kan kjøpes her: https://www.aurorabillett.no/?&fromdate=14.10.2015&q=opera