DATO: 28. June 2017 kl. 14:00–14:30
STED: The Arctic cathedral
The Italian organist and Composer Marco Lo Musico Plays the organ. The program ot today is “Organ Visions”:
PROGRAMME II – June 28 2017 “Organ Visions”
Marco Lo Muscio (1971-): From “Gothic Dances”: n.3 Pavana – “Hunters in the snow” by Pieter Bruegel
n.4 Tourdion – “Dance Macabre” by Bernt Nokte in Tallinn
n.6 Canzona Gotica – “Church of St. Biagio in Montepulciano”
György Ligeti (1923-2006 ): Four Early Pieces “Basso Ostinato”: n.1 “Musica Ricercata” n. 6 – n.7 – n. 8 (arr. Lo Muscio)
Steve Hackett (1950): “Horizons” (arr. Lo Muscio)
Keith Emerson (1944-2016): Fantasy on “Fanfare for the common man” (arr. Lo Muscio)
Tickets NOK 70 can be purchased at the door or at https://www.visittromso.no/en/book/event/a933493/organ_recital_at_the_arctic_cathedral_933493/showdetails